


A Study of Novice Teachers' Achievement Goal Orientations and Teaching Commitments: A Preliminary Survey for Kindergartens Teachers




黃儒傑(Ju-Chieh Huang)


初任教師 ; 成就目標導向 ; 教學承諾 ; 幼稚園教師 ; novice teacher ; achievement goal orientation ; teaching commitment ; kindergarten teacher




18卷1期(2007 / 06 / 01)


1 - 27






Novice teacher is the important stage in teacher career, so this study wanted to understand current novice teachers' achievement goal orientations and teaching commitments, and to investigate the relationships between novice teachers' achievement goal orientations and teaching commitments. Three hundred and four questionnaires collected from kindergarten teachers in Taichuang area were analyzed. MANOVA and canonical correlations were used for data analysis. Some important conclusions were found. First, in general, the novice teachers hold positively motivations of achievement goal orientation and commitments about teaching. Second, achievement goal orientations are positive correlated to teaching commitments, and the dimension of ”mastery goal orientation” is highly related. Finally, some differences in achievement goal orientations and teaching commitments have been found among novice teachers with different attributes. Furthermore, on the basis of above conclusions, several suggestions about novice teacher are provided in the study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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