
bell hooks的交融教育學及其實踐取向之探討


A Study of Bell Hooks' Engaged Pedagogy and the Approaches of Practice




郭丁熒(Ding-Ying Guo);施惠文(Huei-Wen Shih)


交融教育學 ; 關懷 ; 關注 ; 關聯 ; Engaged Pedagogy ; care ; concern and connection




18卷1期(2007 / 06 / 01)


141 - 170




本研究旨在探討bell hooks的交融教育學(engaged pedagogy)1及其實踐取向。經採文獻探討,本研究首先介紹bell hooks的生平概略;其次,探討交融教育學之意涵;復次,藉由探討批判教育學、多元文化理論,和女性主義理論等相關理論,以了解交融教育學的理論根源;接著,探討交融教育學的五項要素,包括「知識概念化」、「連結理論與實踐」、「學生增能」、「多元文化」、「熱情」;並釐清交融教育學中教師進行轉化教育的3C策略(關懷、關注、關聯);最後,則根據交融教育學的五項要素及3C策略所建構之雙向細目表為架構,進一步提出實踐交融教育學的十五項途徑,以作為未來應用之基礎。


The purpose of this study is to explore bell hooks' Engaged Pedagogy and the approaches of its practice in education. There are six sections included in the study. The first section is an introduction to bell hooks. In the second section, the meaning of Engaged Pedagogy is explored. Next, critical pedagogy, multicultural theory and feminist theory are introduced in the third section in order to better understand the theoretical background of the Engaged Pedagogy. Then, the five main components of Engaged Pedagogy are explored in section four. The fifth section includes the clarification of 3C strategies. In the final section, 15 approaches for applying the Engaged Pedagogy to education based on the five components and 3C strategies are explored.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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