


Into Situation and History: Aboriginal Teachers' Articulation and Practice of Multicultural Literacy




王雅玄(Ya-Hsuan Wang)


多元文化素養 ; 原住民教師 ; 課程與教學 ; 情境與歷史 ; multicultural literacy ; aboriginal teachers ; curriculum and pedagogy ; situation and history




19卷1期(2008 / 06 / 01)


33 - 68






This research is an exploratory study of teachers' understanding of multicultural literacy and their articulation of it into curriculum design and pedagogical practice. It is theoretically based on Thomas' The Situation of Definition by which people show cultural literacy drawn from one's own and others' cultural environments with reference to the formation of cultural identity influenced by local community and the wider society. Based on contextual information acquired from situated interviews and life-experience narratives held with 13 school teachers, this paper integrates a conceptual framework of multicultural literacy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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