


The Female College Students' Pregnancy Valuation, Achievement Motive, and Pregnancy Intention Modeling Exploration




鍾佩玲(Pei-Lin Chung)


子女評價 ; 成就動機 ; 生育意向 ; pregnancy valuation ; achievement motive ; pregnancy intention




19卷1期(2008 / 06 / 01)


69 - 99






The purpose of the research is to discuss female college students' pregnancy intentions, pregnancy valuations and achievement motives and to adopt structural equation modeling to examine them. There are one thousand and sixteen people in the random sample from 16 universities in the 4 regions (north, central, south and east regions) of Taiwan. The data was collected through questionnaire surveys. The structural equation modeling is supported by the data mentioned above. The pregnancy value has great positive influence on pregnancy intentions (standardized quotient .85). The pregnancy costs and achievement motives also have negative influence on pregnancy intentions of the female students in this study. It was found that pregnancy value, cost and achievement motives have a .74 ratio for influence on the students' pregnancy intentions. The pregnancy intentions can be negatively and directly influenced by pregnancy values, costs and achievement motives by a significant amount. Finally, conclusions are drawn from the data, and suggestions for individuals, family and society are given.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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