


What Really Matters? Student Characteristics or School Practices: A Study Examining the Mechanisms that Affect Inter-School Differences in Student Academic Achievement




林俊瑩(Chunn-Ying Lin)


影響機制 ; 高社經地位學校 ; 學業成就 ; 結構方程模式 ; influential mechanism ; higher socioeconomic schools ; academic achievement ; structural equation modeling ; SEM




20卷2期(2009 / 12 / 01)


1 - 30






Students in the higher socioeconomic (SES) schools often perform better academically. The sources of the differential school performance could be either from the stratified student quality before students even start the school, or from the school quality as manifested by school climate or faculty development. This is an important issue which has yet to be examined in Taiwan. Employing data from a national representative middle school samples in the Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS), this study aims to construct and test a causal model on student achievement. The method of structural equation modeling (SEM) is adopted to analyze data. The results are that the school climate has a positive but indirect influence on students' academic achievement through students' educational expectations and learning attitudes, and that the frequencies teachers participating in in-service training pose a negative and direct effect on student achievement. Moreover, the variables associated with school educational resources have insignificant impacts on students' academic achievement, but school mean SES, students' educational expectations and learning attitudes all have significant direct or indirect effects on students' academic performance. It is thus concluded that the inter-school differences are mainly the results of student excellence instead of school excellence. Applications of this study are further discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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