People health was important for national development. This paper covered 146 countries to provide a comparative analysis on people health, and to test the interrelationships among the educational, economic, and population development in 2005. It used the secondary data to analyze. On the basis of the factor coefficients, we employed 14 variables, and these variables were categorized to three dimension-indices, including people health resource input, health environment, and health outcome, and employed the health outcome to construct the comparative indices. We also study the correlation among the educational, economic, population development, health resource input, health environment, and health outcome. The results were as following: First, people health resource input, health environment, and health outcome were much more different in respectively. Secondly, most of the advanced countries were ranked on the top performance, and there were some developing countries also on the top rank, however, US was only ranked on 29. This meant that the economical development well and more health resources, the health environment better, and the health index was high. Thirdly, most of the African countries were ranked on the low performance. Finally, we also found the contribution of the educational, economic, and population development to health environment were positively significant each other, besides, the input expenditure and health environment can increase population health in respectively.
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