This study examined the effects of 3 early reading programs on social-economically disadvantaged kindergarteners. A total of 347 kindergartners, averagely aged 63 months, participated in the study. The disadvantaged children were grouped into 4 subgroups. Children in the experimental groups received intervention sessions of 3 programs. There were phonological/phonetic training (PH group, 57 children), character recognition training (CH group, 88 children), and picture book reading training (PIC group, 67 children). Children were given a 40-minute teaching session per day, 4 days per week, for 30 weeks. A group of 67 children from poor families and another group of 104 children, who were from middle-class families, served as disadvantaged and affluent control groups respectively. Besides pretests, all children received post-tests at 4 time points in kindergarten and first grade. Main findings were: 1. At the end of kindergarten year, the 3 intervention groups outperformed the disadvantaged control group at scores of the target reading abilities taught in the corresponding programs. 2. The intervention effects lasted for at least 6 months. At the end of the first semester in first grade, when compared to the disadvantaged group, the PH group outperformed on the Chinese phonetic symbol tests, CH on the Chinese recognition tests, and PIC group on the reading comprehension tests, respectively. The effect of PH group was particularly evident with superiority. 3. The affluent control group outperformed the disadvantaged children on of every test scores collected in this study. However, when the SES was statistically controlled, there were no significant difference among PH, PIC and the affluent group on tests of Chinese phonetic symbol and character recognition. These results indicate that early reading intervention in kindergarten is feasible and its effect can last for at least 6 months which prevents disadvantaged children from academic failures in their first semester of schooling.
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