


The Normative Beliefs, Empathy, and Interpersonal Coping Strategies of Relationally Aggressive Perpetrators and Victims in Junior High Schools




林苡彤(Yi-Tung Lin);程景琳(Ching-Ling Cheng)


人際衝突因應策略 ; 同理心 ; 關係攻擊 ; 關係受害 ; 關係攻擊規範信念 ; coping strategies of interpersonal conflicts ; empathy ; relational aggression ; relational victimization ; normative beliefs of relational aggression




21卷2期(2010 / 12 / 01)


1 - 28






The main purpose of this study was to investigate how the relationally aggressive and the relationally victimized adolescents differed from their counterparts of non-relational-aggression-involvement in terms of normative beliefs, empathy, and interpersonal coping strategies. The sample consisted of 964 8th-grade students (498 boys and 466 girls) from four junior high schools in Taipei area. The instruments used in this study were Relational Aggression Questionnaire-Peer Nomination, Victimization Experiences of Relational Aggression-Self Report Scale, The Interpersonal Reactivity Inventory, and The Questionnaire of Normative Beliefs about Relational Aggression and Interpersonal Coping Strategies. The data were analyzed by Chi-square, ANOVA, and Multiple Stepwise Regression.The main findings of this study were as follows: The relational victims were different from their counterparts of non-relational-aggression-involvement in terms of their normative beliefs, empathy, and the coping strategies. The relational aggressors, in contrast with the counterparts, were only dissimilar on some of the coping strategies. Overall, the variables of normative belief, empathy, and interpersonal coping strategy could predict the extent of relational aggression and relational victimization among junior-high-school students.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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