


The Exploration of New Immigrant Family's Young Children's Learning Processes in the Context of Information Technology Integrated into Instructions




陳儒晰(Ru-Si Chen);邱方晞(Fang-Hsi Chiu)


新移民家庭幼兒 ; 資訊科技融入教學 ; 學習歷程 ; New immigrant family's young children ; Information technology integrated into instructions ; Learning processes




21卷2期(2010 / 12 / 01)


91 - 114






This study was focused on the exploring the learning disadvantages of new immigrant family's young children, and considered the advantages from information technology integrated into instructions. This study was based on the practices of information technology integrated into instructions by researchers, with the analysis and critique of instructional notes, observational records, and reflections, to construct the configuration about information learning for new immigrant family's young children. The results were showed new immigrant family's young children liked to contact the multimedia stories and digital books, stimulating their learning motivations and desires. With the directions an assistances of early childhood educators, new immigrant family's young children could develop their information literacy and community consciousness by the providing of digital learning opportunities, promoting their voices and subjectivity in cyberspace. Finally, the researchers recommended early childhood educators and relevant units need to highlight the importance of information technology for the new immigrant family's young children to learn the value of the transformation to assist its links to the concept of equal opportunity under the upgrading and transformation of the status of their learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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