This paper is aimed at investigating the phenomenon of Japanese loanwords in Taiwanese literatures, which is caused by language contact after Japanese occupation from the point of diachronic view. The time duration studied in this paper is divided into four periods: Japanese occupation, cross-generation, second generation after war, and third generation after war.The phenomenon of intensive Japanese loanwords exists in Taiwanese literature since Japanese ever has occupied Taiwan. As a result, the frequency of Japanese loanwords is very high in the four time periods. The characteristics of Japanese loanwords in the four different periods are the importing period of new civilization, the coexisting period of war and language transition, the stable period, and the re-importing period, respectively. The characteristics are reflected in the type of Japanese loanwords, the variance of Japanese writing styles, and the situation of using same words in the different four periods. Since Chinese replaces the national language in Taiwan after World WAR II was finished, it can be found that the phenomenon of ”replacement” and ”coexistence” in language contact.