


Students' Stance on Peer Response of the Compulsory Writing Course in JFL


跡部千絵美(Chiemi Atobe)


作文課 ; 同儕回饋 ; 態度 ; 合作學習 ; JFL ; Writing course ; peer response ; stance ; peer learning




40期(2013 / 01 / 01)


1 - 24




本稿為實施同儕回饋之作文課時學生所採取的態度之分析報告。分析資料為台灣某大學一學年的必修作文課裡所實踐的同儕回饋之會話(10次)。使用Lockhart & Ng(1995)所舉出的四個「態度」(stance)為分析架構,調查分析本研究學生所採取的「態度」傾向,並和先行研究做質性比較。分析結果發現,偏向〈権威態度〉的學生趨多,這和Lockhart & Ng(1995)的結果相同。但,和先行研究的不同點為,〈探索態度〉本研究較少觀察到,〈協働態度〉在本研究中沒發現到,而〈友好態度〉為本研究觀察到的獨自現象。再者,仔細觀察本研究的PR會話,發現有些問題並未出現在先行研究裡。比如,〈説明態度〉裡有隨性提案的現象,〈探索態度〉裡有不進一步確認作文書寫者的意圖是否正確傳達之現象。


This article analyzes students' stance on peer response. The conversation data were collected for 10 times during the compulsory writing course in a university in Taiwan. 4 stances presented by Lockhart & Ng (1995) are used as outline, in order to investigate which stance is adopted by students and to compare the similarities and differences of the result of Lockhart & Ng (1995).The result of the analysis yielded that 'authoritative' is the most common stance which shows the same result in the Lockhart & Ng (1995). However, three different points are observed from this analysis: few 'probing', no 'collaborative', and a new stance, 'friendly' was found. Moreover, from the analysis of the conversation data, some problems which had never been mentioned in Lockhart & Ng (1995) are observed; some students who are 'interpretive' propose new idea one after another and 'probing' students do not confirm whether writer's intension is conveyed or not.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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