後設認知策略的使用情形對於在台灣的日語學習者(Japanese as a Foreign Language)的聽力提升而言相對重要。本研究藉由導入「聽力練習頻率紀錄表」及「真實教材練習檢視單」進行聽力訓練,嘗試指導學習者提升後設認知策略之使用。共12名學習者參與本次研究,訓練期間由上學期期初到下學期期中考前。將12名的研究參與者設為實驗組,另外未參與研究的同班同學則設為對照組進行比較分析。在訓練前後的後設認知策略使用變化上,兩組學習者間顯示出差異。另外再將實驗組依據聽力程度分成兩組,進行聽力學習策略使用情形的比較分析結果得知,兩組在不同類別的學習策略使用頻率上也顯示出差異。最後訓練期間利用訪談方式針對參與本研究的感想及意見進行調查。多數表示經由參與本次訓練後,變得比較會針對自己的聽力練習情形及視聽內容的理解程度進行自我檢視。今後將以如何經由指導學習者後設認知策略的使用,養成課外時間持續聽力練習的自律學習方式為課題持續進行研究。|Application of Metacognition strategy is important for learners of Japanese as a Foreign Language in Taiwan to improve listening. With introducing "Listening Practice Frequency Log Sheet" and "Genuine Material Practice Check List" to conduct listening training, this research is to guide learners increasing usage of Metacognition strategy. 12 learners joined this research from beginning of 1st semester to mid-term test of 2nd semester. They were set as Experimental Group and all other classmates were set as Control Group for comparative analysis. These 2 groups show difference in applying Metacognition before and after the training. Furthermore, based on listening comprehension, the attendees were divided into high and low groups to conduct comparative analysis of their usage of listening learning strategies. The result shows difference between 2 groups in using various categories of learning strategies. Based on the opinion survey of attendees during final period, most of them agree that they are more eager to conduct self-accessing on progress of listening practice and understanding level of audio-visual contents. Will continue research in cultivating habit of self-learning in continuing listening practice after school by guiding learners applying Metacognition strategy.
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