2019年起在台灣將實施新課綱。其課綱中包含第二外語課綱。該第二外語課綱係參照歐洲的歐洲語言學習、教學、評量共同參考架構(CEFR)的A1~A2的能力描寫來決定各級學習目標及主題,並參照Can-do statement(以下簡稱為Can-do)所設計出的。新課綱實施在即,但是以該課綱為基礎所設計的教材極為稀少。為此,本稿首先針對學習者的「日語接觸情境」及「將來想在什麼樣的情境下使用日語」做了日語使用情境調查。此外也透過交流報告的分析及高中教師的訪談來調查日本高中來訪時,高中生在於什麼樣的情境下使用日文。其結果中了解到學習者的「日語接觸情境」、「將來想在什麼樣的情境下使用日語」及「國際交流下所出現的日語使用情境」。但於兩項調查中得知的日語使用情境與新課綱的學習表現及主題比較後,有些不存在於A1等級當中。由於調查所得知的日語使用情境皆屬學習者所能接觸到的,若能將這些日語使用情境在A1等級中導入相信未來能夠在實際溝通時有助於學習者。今後,望能夠擴大調查並收集學習者所需的日語使用情境來開發出符合新課綱的第二外語課綱之教材。|Although this second foreign language syllabus is about to begin, there are few teaching materials designed based on such a syllabus. This study first investigated the situations for "Japanese contact" and "Japanese use" of learners. Then, the researcher studied the situations for using the Japanese of senior high school students by analyzing exchange reports and interviewing senior high school teachers. Based on the results, an insight was gained into the learners' "Japanese access situation". Since Japanese use obtained from the surveys were accessible to the learners, if Japanese can be imported into the A1 level, it is expected to benefit learners in actual communication in the future. In the future, it is hoped that Japanese use needed by learners be more extensively investigated and collected in order to develop teaching materials for the second language curriculum in line with the new curriculum.