本研究於會話課程中規劃逆向課程設計,授課內容以知識應用與會話演練為重點,並導入自我評量與同儕評量,歷時18週,以自主學習角度探討學習者的學習態度如何轉變、同儕評量活動為受評量者的學習態度帶來何種變化等。經由分析學期末的課程問卷調查、追蹤訪談、自我評量之意見等,結果發現①約九成的學習者表示對課堂滿意、評分量尺的評量有效、提升日語能力②學習者能透過自我評量反思學習狀況,各自呈現不一樣的學習態度、新的學習策略能運用在完成課題與達成學習目標上,「提升思考力」、「應用所學」、「增進會話文的創造力」、「流利會話能力」等學習項目有成效。可確認促進提升對話演練之實踐力。今後將導入與母語話者實際對話演練的活動,建構真實日語會話情境,從中檢視學習者如何有效應用所學日語、日語能力的變化,並持續觀察自主學習態度的變化。|This study introduced backward design in the conversation education program. The focus of the program aims on knowledge application and conversational exercise through the introduction of self-assessment and peer-assessment . It took 18 weeks to discover how the student's learning attitude changes as the application of self-assessment and peer-assessment. Finally, the study would bring out how did the self-assessment and peer-assessment influence the student's learning attitude. Through the analysis of the course questionnaires, follow-up interviews, and self-assessment at the end of the semester. First, it revealed that about 90% of students showing their satisfaction to the program, to the rating scale system, and to the progress of their Japanese skills. Second, Students could get feedback from themselves and peers through this program, which helped them to improve "thinking ability", "practical learning ability", "creativity of conversation", and "fluency of conversation". This study has concluded that this kind of backward design improved the practical ability of students from dialogue exercises. In the future, we will introduce the practice which involved the real dialogue with native Japanese speaker into this study. Also, through the backward design with self and peer assessment rating scale system, we will evaluate how does the learning attitude change by this method.