向田邦子的隨筆在亞洲各國受到了高度評價,但未見隨筆的詞彙相關研究。因此,筆者製作了向田邦子隨筆的語料庫,調查隨筆中特別常用的詞彙是哪些,並且分析哪些詞彙讓讀者感到“懷舊"或“想到昭和時代"等的印象。分析的結果,發現了以下幾個特徵。A)呈現昭和時代感的詞彙(“戰爭",“事件",“名人",“時髦的東西"等)雖然不多,但卻給人留下深刻的印象。B)因時代變化而演化而來的詞彙,或之前時代的衣服或房屋內部的描繪、或跟現在不同的漢字表記也能深刻地反映出時代的變遷。C)跟家庭有關的詞彙,例如“父"和“母"。表現發話時的面部表情和聲色的“臉"和“聲音"之類的詞。五本隨筆集都有曾出現的與“死亡"有關的詞彙。上述詞語雖然出現頻率相當高,但並非用來表示時代的變遷。|Kuniko Mukoda's essays have been highly evaluated in Asian countries, But there is no survey of the vocabulary Kuniko Mukoda's essays. Therefore, I created a corpus of all essays and investigated what vocabulary is often used in Mukoda's essays, which are said to be "nostalgic" or "feel the Showaera." As a result of analysis, this paper examines some point. A) The vocabulary that makes you feel Showa era is not large, but it is very impressive. A) The vocabulary that has changed with the times, the vocabulary that describes clothes and the interior of the house, and the vocabulary that has a different notation impresses the changes of the times. B) Through the vocabulary related to family, the vocabulary showing facial expressions and voices, and vocabularies related to "death", but these words do not represent the changes of the times.