本篇論文針對台灣有關日文寫作教學的研究動向,以及大學課堂裡日文寫作課的進展狀況及其教學理念進行研究。透過36篇相關著作,以及27所大學37門日文寫作課裡的203套教學大綱的分析後,作者具體提出能活絡學生日文作文學習效果的指導方法。茲將主要之研究結果整理如下:(1)台灣各年代有關日文寫作教學之相關研究,從早期著重要求學生實際執筆後的指導,歷經以學習者為主體的年代,演變至今已多聚焦於導引學習者能創作出通順達意的文章之相關研究。(2)分析教學大綱後得知,日文習作課堂裡,除了句型、文法、語彙的教學外,教師端應該投注更多心力指導學生作文起筆的方法、邏輯的彰顯、切題的鋪陳。(3)現行之日文寫作相關教材裡有許多仍著重文法等基本能力之培養,今後有待台灣出身的日語教師們能將台灣的學生特質等因素全盤地列入考量,研發編撰出著重寫作構思教學的相關教材。(4)筆者針對日文寫作課堂裡,有關學生想像力、構思力、反省力三個面向之培育,分別提出了具體進展的方法供日語教學界參考。|With a view to developing better Japanese writing education in Taiwan, this paper made a survey of research interests and priorities in teaching practices, by means of analyzing 36 articles that appeared in major academic journals in Taiwan since 1976 and 203 syllabuses of 37 Japanese writing classes at 2 7 universities. The major findings are as follows. 1) The research in the early years treated on-site problems generally, and then attention turned to the learner-centered approaches; in recent years efforts focused on the ways to assist active and clear expressions of the learner's ideas rather than enhancing accuracy. 2) Priorities in present instruction were sentence patterns, grammar, and vocabulary, and more attention should be paid to assistance to writing processes such as production and development of ideas, logic, and coherence, and elaborating. 3) Most materials used in present writing classes reinforced basic skills and knowledge, and it was greatly hoped that Taiwanese teachers develop materials to address specific needs and characteristics of the Taiwanese leaner to support active production. 4) The author presented three learning activities that were likely to strengthen conceiving, structuring, and elaborating.|With a view to developing better Japanese writing education in Taiwan, this paper made a survey of research interests and priorities in teaching practices, by means of analyzing 36 articles that appeared in major academic journals in Taiwan since 1976 and 203 syllabuses of 37 Japanese writing classes at 2 7 universities. The major findings are as follows. 1) The research in the early years treated on-site problems generally, and then attention turned to the learner-centered approaches; in recent years efforts focused on the ways to assist active and clear expressions of the learner's ideas rather than enhancing accuracy. 2) Priorities in present instruction were sentence patterns, grammar, and vocabulary, and more attention should be paid to assistance to writing processes such as production and development of ideas, logic, and coherence, and elaborating. 3) Most materials used in present writing classes reinforced basic skills and knowledge, and it was greatly hoped that Taiwanese teachers develop materials to address specific needs and characteristics of the Taiwanese leaner to support active production. 4) The author presented three learning activities that were likely to strengthen conceiving, structuring, and elaborating.