


專題式學習中的努力減縮傾向之發生與壓力控制能力的發展—日本語教學領域的案例研究—|Emergence of Propensity to Withhold Effort and Development of Stress Control Skills in PBL: A Case Study in a Japanese Language Classroom


佐藤敏洋(Toshihiro Sato)


プロジェクト学習(PBL) ; 社会人基礎力 ; 日本語教育 ; ストレスコントロール力 ; 努力削減傾向(PWE) ; 專題式學習(Project-based Learning) ; 社會人的基本技能 ; 日本語教學 ; 壓力控制能力 ; 努力減縮傾向(PWE)|Project-based learning (PBL) ; Basic skills for working adults ; Propensity to withhold effort (PWE) ; Stress control skills ; Japanese language learning




56期(2023 / 03 / 01)


90 - 119






多年來,著者一直在所屬單位(本系)課程中實施專題式學習(Project-based Learning, PBL),作為日語教學法,目的是提升學生的職場適應能力與競爭力。然而,著者有時觀察到學生在PBL過程中的“努力減縮傾向(Propensity to Withhold Effort, PWE)”而感到困惑。另一方面,對於日本經濟產業省(2006)提倡的“社會人的基本技能”中的能力要素;“壓力控制能力”是否可以通過PBL來培養,目前還缺乏研究。因此,本研究以本系的“經貿日語”課程中進行的PBL為例,探討了以下兩個問題;(一)在PBL型的課堂上,學習成果、PWE和壓力之間的關係為何,(二)PBL是否能培養壓力控制能力。研究結果發現,(1)PWE會抑制自己和他人的學習,並增加學習結果品質下降的可能性;(2)一個組員的知識、技能不足可能會被其他組員認為是PWE;(3)PBL環境本身和引導深度學習的課程設計對一些學習者來說是有壓力的;(4)PWE的發生會使組員更難克服壓力,因為他們得同時應對學習過程和PWE帶來的雙重壓力;(5)在PWE得到控制,組員可以專注於專案的情況下,壓力控制能力可以相對容易地發展,但一旦PWE發生,壓力控制的難度會提升,壓力控制能力的發展也變得有限。|The author has been practicing PBL for many years, and in the process has been troubled by learners' Propensity to withhold effort (PWE). On the other hand, there is a lack of previous research on whether PBL can foster "Stress control skills". In this study, using PBL conducted in a Japanese language classroom as an example, the author explored (1) what kind of relationship exists between learning outcomes, PWE, and stress, and (2) whether stress control skills can be developed through PBL. The results found that (1) PWE can limit one's own and others' learning and increase the likelihood that the quality of learning outcomes will decline; (2) one group member's lack of knowledge and skills may be perceived as PWE by other group members; (3) the occurrence of PWE makes it more difficult for group members to overcome stress because they have to cope with both stress from the learning process and PWE; (4) stress control skills can be developed relatively easily when PWE is under control and group members can focus on the project, but once PWE occurs, the difficulty of stress control increases and the development of stress control skills becomes much more limited.|The author has been practicing PBL for many years, and in the process has been troubled by learners' Propensity to withhold effort (PWE). On the other hand, there is a lack of previous research on whether PBL can foster "Stress control skills". In this study, using PBL conducted in a Japanese language classroom as an example, the author explored (1) what kind of relationship exists between learning outcomes, PWE, and stress, and (2) whether stress control skills can be developed through PBL. The results found that (1) PWE can limit one's own and others' learning and increase the likelihood that the quality of learning outcomes will decline; (2) one group member's lack of knowledge and skills may be perceived as PWE by other group members; (3) the occurrence of PWE makes it more difficult for group members to overcome stress because they have to cope with both stress from the learning process and PWE; (4) stress control skills can be developed relatively easily when PWE is under control and group members can focus on the project, but once PWE occurs, the difficulty of stress control increases and the development of stress control skills becomes much more limited.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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