


The Affection between Chen Wei Song and His Brothers




蘇淑芬(Shu-Fen Su)


陳維崧 ; 陳維媚 ; 陳維岳 ; 陳宗石 ; 手足之情 ; 昆仲 ; Chen Wei-Song ; Chen Wei-Mei ; Chen Wei-Yue ; Chen Zong-Shi ; affections of brothers ; brothers




10期(2004 / 05 / 01)


157 - 204




陳維崧兄弟實創詞史紀錄,他們俱多有文才,能詩擅詞。命運亦最悲苦,因為亡國破家後,命運坎坷,陳維崧投靠如皋冒襄,多年科考不第;二弟維媚獨守家園,窮途潦倒;三弟浪居燕關,四弟宗石入贅商邱侯家,並攜帶五歲小弟阿龍同行。兄弟散居,所來往的詩詞都表現沈痛悲涼。 陳維崧兄弟表達在詩詞中的內容包括:1、勸勉上進、無畏艱難;2、悼國亡恨事:3、嘆戰爭頻仍;5、送別與感懷;6、嗟嘆不遇;7、壽詞;8、悼兄弟之詞。 陳氏昆仲酬唱之詞的特色是: l、題材廣泛,內容豐富:所包含的包包括抒情、記景、紀事,送別、祝壽、悼兄弟等,無所不包,題材之廣,為古所未有“詞非小道,實為明證。 2、昆仲同題和韻:詞史上沒有四兄弟皆能詞,同題和韻,展現兄弟之才情。 3、以淒苦基調:昆仲四人之聯吟,都為生離死別的情懷,艱難處境中的哀鳴,史罕有相匹者。


Chen Wei Song and his brothers really had broken record of lyric history. They were literary talent and good at writing poetry and poem, but had a sad and painful life. After his country was overthrow, Chen Wei Song lost his family and sought help for shelter and board from Ru Mao GAO. He failed in imperial examination many times. His second brother, Wei Mei, stayed at home alone and was poverty-stricken. His third brother, Wei Yue, drifted from one place to another place in the city of Yan Guan. His fourth brother, Zong Shi, toke his youngest brother, five years old, married to Hou's daughter in Shang Qui. Chen brothers scattered in different places, so the expression of their correspondent poetry were so sad. The expression in the content of Chen brothers' lyric including: 1. Advice and encourage, fearless of difficulty, 2. Grieving over his country's overthrow, 3.Sighing the frequent warfare, 4. Farewell and reflection, 5. Sighing for frustration, 6. Expressing birthday good wishes, 7. Grieving over the doom. The character of Chen brothers' correspondent lyric is as below: 1 Extensive subject matter and abundant content including expression emotion, describing scenery, recording facts, farewell, expressing birthday good wishes, grieving over the doom, etc. It manifested that lyric is not insignificant. 2 'Chen and his brothers wrote same subject with same rhyme: They were the only case that four brothers all expert in lyric, use same rhyme to write same subject and to show their talent. 3 'Using lonesome and misery as keynote: what Chen brothers' rhyming were all for expressing their emotion of separation, plaintive whine in difficulty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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