


A Study of Temple Theatre in Song-Jin-Yuan Peroid




羅麗容(Li-Zong Luo)


神廟 ; 神廟劇場 ; 神廟劇場與戲劇 ; 宋金元神廟劇場 ; Shen-Miao-Ju-Chang the temple theatre ; drama ; Song-Jin-Yuan period




11期(2005 / 05 / 01)


123 - 157




本論文計畫以宋金元三代爲經,該代現存或文物、文獻記載之神廟劇場爲緯,探討神廟劇場與戲劇二者間相互牽連之關係。分為下列各步驟來處理問題: 一、神廟劇場的淵源與演變。神廟劇場的具體呈現當起步於北宋、普及於金元、改革完善於明清。研討方向從下列各方面切入: (一)就人類原始崇拜的意義而論:就廣義的觀點而言,先民扮演之象徵意義及行爲導向,皆可視為戲劇發生的邏輯起點,故先民對大自然各種神衹之崇拜,其舉行儀式之場所,皆可視為神廟劇場之肇端。 (二)就漢、魏晉六朝至隋,以娛人爲主的百戲而論。 (三)就唐代百戲雜技、人神同娛的寺廟而論。 (四)就宋代人神娛樂分途的瓦舍、神廟劇場而論。 (五)就宋金元具體存在的神廟劇場而論。 二、各時代神廟劇場之建築特色:各神廟劇場在神廟中的位置,材質及外觀,歷代皆有不同特色,本論文研究重點在於將各時代神廟劇場之建築特色凸顯出來。 三、各時代神廟劇場之演劇記錄:大凡娛神的戲曲活動,都出於祭祀儀式之所需,而非禮神之外的單獨表演,故本論文擬從各神廟之碑刻,或其他相關的戲曲文物資料之中,探討神廟劇場的演出目的、內容、及當時演出活動的情況。 四、各時代神廟劇場之文化意涵與影響:神廟劇場蘊含豐富的人文精神與文化意涵,包括人神之間的和諧關係、各代神廟建築的審美觀念、維持社稷安寧的主要力量等等,皆為探討目標。 以上即爲本論文之基本骨幹,每個項目所得的結論,再與戲劇史或戲劇理論作結合,俾使所論能在戲劇領域中,發現新的理念與史實。


In this project, we will approach the relationship between Shen-Miao-Ju-Chang (the temple theatre) and the drama through the relics and document records about the temple theatre existing in Song-Jin-Yuan Period and divide into the following steps: 1. The origin and the evolution of the Shen-Miao-Ju-Chang: The concrete form of the temple theatre had its beginning in North Song Dynasty, prevailed during Jin-Yuan period and reached maturity in Ming and Qing dynasties. We will discuss this theme from following fields. (1)The meaning of the primitive beliefs: In broad sense, drama originated from the ritual activities that offered to the deities in the ancient times. The site where the ritual activities took place was the primitive form of the Shen-Miao-Ju-Chang. (2) Bai-Xi (Variety shows; acrobatics) which specialized in giving pleasure to people from Han, Wei-Jin and six Dynasties towards Sui Dynasty. (3)Temples in Tang Dynasty at which the actors performed for both the gods and men. (4)Wa-She and temple theatre in Song Dynasty which built for different purposes: the former is the amusement center and performance arena for men and the latter for gods. (5)The Shen-Miao-Ju-Chang built in Song-Yuan-Jin Period. 2. The architecture of the Shen-Miao-Ju-Chang in different periods: The temple theatres of different periods have their distinguishing characteristics such as the site the theatre located in the temple, the building materials used and outward appearance. We will focus on these distinctions among different periods. 3. The records of Yan-Ju (the theatrical performances) of the Shen-Miao-Ju-Chang in different periods: Most of the dramatic performances aimed at god’s amusement originate from the ritual activities which offer sacrifices to god. We will investigate the purposes, the contents and the circumstances of the theatrical performances of the Shen-Miao-Ju-Chang through the stone inscriptions in the temple and the relevant literature and dramatic relics. 4. The meaning and the influence of the Shen-Miao-Ju-Chang in different periods: We will discuss the cultural spirit and the intrinsic significance in the temple theatre such as the harmonious relations between human and the gods, aesthetic standards of the temple buildings and the force which stabilized the society. Finally, besides the above-mentioned, we will integrate the conclusions from each step with the dramatic history or the dramatic theories hoping that we can have a new idea in the drama study.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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