题名 |
《烏絲詞》受廣陵詞壇影響研究 |
并列篇名 |
The Research in How 《Wu Szu Ts》was Influenced by Kuang Iieng Poetry Circle Summary |
10.29460/SJCS.200605.0008 |
作者 |
蘇淑芬(Shu-Fen Su) |
关键词 |
烏絲詞 ; 廣陵詞壇 ; 陳維崧 ; Wu Szu Ts ; Kuang Lieng poetry circle ; Chen wei-Song |
期刊名称 |
東吳中文學報 |
卷期/出版年月 |
12期(2006 / 05 / 01) |
页次 |
233 - 264 |
内容语文 |
繁體中文 |
中文摘要 |
《烏絲詞》是陳維崧詞作的第二期作品,他自以為早期刊刻於《倚聲初集》的作品,「嘔穢不欲聽」,厲志完成《烏絲詞》,這期間詞風有明顯的改變,他追求各樣詞風,和過多人詞,包括歐陽修、柳永、賀鑄、李清照、周邦彥、劉克莊、王世貞等南北宋、明人的詞,他嘗試填寫風格多樣的詞,正在尋找最適合自己情感、能力的填詞的方式,同時也收入早就刊載在《倚聲初集》中較豪放的〈滿江紅•悵悵詞〉五首,不收他旖旎的近作。 《烏絲詞》詞風的改變之音,除了他本身懷抱著國仇家恨,最主要是此期寫作,他都寄居在如皋與廣陵詞人有密切往來。廣陵詞人的特色(一)多側豔之詞;(二)肯定南宋及辛棄疾詞;(三)重視長調;(四)詞要有寄託,都帶給陳維崧很大的衝激,對他的詞學歷程中,有很大的影響,因此《烏絲詞》中長調極多,詞風明顯有陵谷變遷與家國之思,並有個人不遇之嘆,詞中也超越前一期作品,常有寄託與感慨,並奠定後期《迦陵詞》多樣化的風格。 |
英文摘要 |
《Wu Szu Ts》 is Chen wei-song's second- term work of Classical poetry. He thought the works published inthe 《I Sheng Initial Collections》 in the earlier years ”were disguising and made people turn a deaf ear tothem”. Therefore, he was determined to finish 《WuSzu Ts》. During this period of time, obviously, the style of classical poetry changed a lot. He pursued varieties of styles and respond to many poets' classical forms of pertry, by using the same rhyme including the ones of Ou Yang-Hsiu, Liou-yueg, Hoe-Chu, Li Cheng-Chao, Chou Pang-yen, Lyu Koe-Chuang, Wang Sh-Chen, etc. in the South, North Song and Ming dynasty. Besides, he tried to write down the poetry of varieties of styles, looking for the style suitable for his own feelings and ability. At the same time, he also collected five bold unstrained poems (Red River, Melancholy poetry) earlier published in the 《I Sheng Initial Collections》, but not his latest tender romantic works. The reason why the style of 《Wu Szu Ts》 changed was except that he harbored the revenge and hatred for his country and family, most importantly, he lived away form home at Ju Kao and communicated frequently with Kuang Lieng poets. The characteristics of Kuang Lieng poets are as follows: (1) There were more poems lacking in elegance and classic. (2) The classical poetry of the South Song dynasty and Hsing Chi-Ching were approved. (3) The songs of long tone were valued highly. (4) The poetry should have metaphors. All the above traits had great impact on Chen wei-song, and tremendously affected the process of his learning of classical poetry. Therefore, there were lots of long tones in 《Wu Szu Ts》. The grief of the extinction of the Ming dynasty and the worries for his country and home could be apparently found in his poetry style. What's more, he also signed for his personal unfortunate fate. In the end, surpassing his former works, his poetry was full of metaphors and signs of emotions, which established the various style of 《Chya Ling Ts》 in the late period of time. |
主题分类 |
人文學 >
人文學綜合 人文學 > 語言學 人文學 > 中國文學 |
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