


An Analysis of Nah Wu's a Hundred Poets: Selected Poems Written by the Virtuous in Tang and Song Dynasty




陶子珍(Tzu-Chen Tao)


明代 ; 總集 ; 别集 ; 词選 ; 词集叢刻刊本 ; 吴訥 ; 百家詞 ; Ming Dynasty ; chief volume zhuochi ; alternative volume biehchi ; collection book of poems ; Nah Wu ; A Hundred Poets




12期(2006 / 05 / 01)


99 - 128






Nah Wu, a contemporary in Ming Dynasty, collected poems and poetry in the name of A Hundred Poets: Selected Poems Written by the Virtuous in Tang and Song Dynasty. His collecting period was two hundred years earlier than Sixty Selected Poets' Poetry in Song Dynasty, a collection edited by Ching-ken Mao. However, A Hundred Poets did not circulate widely; only a few copies were published. As a result, other than the thirteen anonymous entries ranging from Between Blossoms (Hwachien chi) to Chian Pu (Puchian chi), there are three parts in the chief volume, two parts in the volume of Southern Tang Dynasty, seventy-one in the alternative collection (biehchi) of Song Poems, three in alternative collection of Jin Poems, and eight in Yuan Poems. In total, there are a hundred. To analyze the motive of producing such a collection, it can be inferred that 1. Wu wanted to underline the importance of poems, and thus encourage works as such in the future; and 2. the time that he was situated was not far from Song Dynasty, which made it possible and necessary to preserve the previous poems and poetry by means of this collection. As this collection book had not been corrected after being put together, mistakes can be found. However, this book collection is one of the earliest collections of poems since Ming and Ching Dynasty. Its leading status and important position in studies on poems are thus influential.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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