


Treatise on the Elite Class and Academia and Mores of the Wudai (Five Dynasties) Till the Sung Dynasty




徐美雲(Mei-Yun Tu)


五代 ; 宋代 ; 士行與學風 ; Wudai five dynasties ; Sung Dynasty ; Elite's Virtues ; Academia and Mores




13期(2007 / 05 / 01)


109 - 143






From the ancient times, Chinese society was made up of several classes: the elite class, the agricultural class, the industrial class, and the businessmen. The elite class is positioned first among the classes, and this has its own significance. In the traditional society, the ”elite” class has a special place of significance because the ”elite” plays the role of causing all aspects of a state to be more prosperous, more sophisticated and more methodically. The reason why they possess this capability is because they represent a cluster of educated intellectuals whose mind, knowledge and virtues are quite different from the general populace. With this being said, we can make the statement that the virtues of the elite class and the academic customs of the era often times reflect the cultural essence and characteristics of the era and this is an aspect that the human history can not afford to overlook. However, Wudai (Five dynasties) is a very tumultuous period in the history of China; not only did the dynasties change hands here and then, causing instability all throughout, but also the Chinese moral and ethical standards were seriously torn down. The morality of the elite was corrupted, academia and cultural values were not being considered as of any significance, and Chinese history was seemingly entering into a dark and deep valley. It was not until the establishment of the Sung Dynasty, and the succession of several Sung statesmen, that the history of China was gradually being restored to it original traditional state. This transition period of the old into the new is something worth of being examined. This paper will first look into the moral corruption of the Wudai's elite class, the many causes of low esteem for the academia and cultural values, and the different life choices that the elite class made at the time. Secondly, the paper will examine the first few statesmen of the Sung dynasty, how they changed the mores and customs of the society and turn it into a harmonious and graceful period in history. What policies did they undertake? What were their gains and loses? What impact did this have on the posterity? These are the main focus of this paper.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
  1. 太平治蹟統類
  2. 二十二史劄記
  3. 四書章句集注•論語•泰伯篇
  4. 續資治通鑑長編
  5. 新五代史
  6. 范仲淹全集
  7. 續資治通鑑長編
  8. 續資治通鑑長編
  9. 朱子語類
  10. 十國春秋
  11. 續資治通鑑長編
  12. 文獻通考
  13. 續資治通鑑長編
  14. 續資治通鑑長編
  15. 續資治通鑑長編
  16. 續資治通鑑長編
  17. 新五代史
  18. 宋史
  19. 續資治通鑑長編
  20. 宋史
  21. 鮚埼亭集•外編
  22. 宋史紀事本末
  23. 續資治通鑑長編
  24. 宋史
  25. 宋史
  26. 宋史
  27. 宋史•真宗本紀
  28. 太平治蹟統類
  29. 宋史
  30. 范仲淹全集
  31. 國史大綱
  32. 舊五代史
  33. 新五代史
  34. 宋史
  35. 續資治通鑑長編
  36. 二十二史劄記
  37. 續資治通鑑長編
  38. 宋史
  39. 續資治通鑑長編
  40. 宋史
  41. 續資治通鑑長編
  42. 范仲淹全集
  43. (1996)。四書章句集注。臺北:大安出版社。
  44. 宋史
  45. 孟子
  46. 論語
  47. 續資治通鑑長編
  48. 宋史
  49. 范仲淹全集
  50. 宋史
  51. 皇朝類苑
  52. 宋史
  53. 續資治通鑑長編
  54. 宋論
  55. 四書章句集注•孟子•滕文公下
  56. 續資治通鑑長編
  57. 續資治通鑑長編
  58. 文獻通考
  59. 宋史
  60. 宋論
  61. 論語
  62. 永樂大典
  63. 四書章句集注•孟子•梁惠王下
  64. 四書章句集注•論語•子張篇
  65. 王文正筆錄
  66. 宋史
  67. 續資治通鑑長編
  68. 宋史
  69. 皇朝類苑
  70. 新五代史
  71. 新五代史
  72. 宋史
  73. 四書章句集注•論語•子張篇
  74. 宋史
  75. 新五代史
  76. 續資治通鑑長編
  77. 歐陽修全集
  78. 新五代史
  79. 續資治通鑑長編
  80. 歐陽修全集
  81. 新五代史
  82. 續資治通鑑長編
  83. 續資治通鑑長編
  84. 宋論
  85. 寄范天章書二
  86. 范仲淹全集
  87. 二十二史劄記
  88. 二十二史劄記
  89. 宋大事記講義
  90. 宋論
  91. 歐陽修全集
  92. 續資治通鑑長編
  93. 宋史
  94. 續資治通鑑長編
  95. 宋史
  96. 宋朝事實
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