


The Fellowship after the Destroying of the Tobaccos (Opium)




蘇淑芬(Shu-Fen Su)


鄧廷楨 ; 林則徐 ; 鴉片戰爭 ; 友誼 ; banning the smoking of opium ; Fellowship ; Deng Ting-Zhing ; Lin Tso-Hsyu




13期(2007 / 05 / 01)


145 - 178






At the year of Dao-Guang fifteenth (1835), Deng Ting-Zhing was designated as governor of the two provinces, Kung-Dung and Kung-Xing. At that time, smoking opium was a widely prevalent addiction among people. Besides, the national treasury got empty, and the people's health was seriously damaged. At the year of Dao-Guang nineteenth (1839), Un Tso-Hsyu was designated as patrolling official, so both of them united to fight off the opium side by side. Their struggle against the opium caused the counterattack of the barbarous foreign people and drug traffickers. Nevertheless, they weren't scared at the evil power. On the contrary, they cooperated with each other and became close friends. At the year of Dao-Guang twentieth, Ding Ting-Zhing transferred to Jiang Sue and Zho Jiang as governor. Lin Tso-Hsyu substituted for Ding Zho-Jiang as governor of Kung Dung and Kung Xing. Before Ding Ting-Zhing took his new position, he transferred to Fu Jian and Zho Jiang to investigate the illegal trading of the opium. Soon later, because the Britons launched the war, and Zho Jiang and Ding Hai were besieged, the Emperor Dao-Guang sent Chi-Shan to negotiate with the Britons. However, sadly, Chi-Shan instituted a contract as ceding the lands and paying money for compensation. The Emperor Dao-Guang was in a rage, He declared that ”Kung Dung's military disciplines were too loose. Moreover, the official was incapable of coping with affairs. So the Emperor wanted to prosecuted the crimes of all the previous governors.” Therefore, Ding Ting-Zhing and Un Tso-Hsyu were discharged and forced to be removed their offices. At the age of 67, Ding Ting-Zhing took his son with him to moved to I-Li, A year later, Un Tso-Hsyu joined them. While in I-Li, both of them exploited the barren land for farming and treated each other as family. At leisure time, they always recited the classical poetry harmoniously. Being clean-handed and incorruptible as well, loving the folks as their own family, both of them gave support to each other. The poetry they chanted were like poetic history. They put down how harmful opium were to people and the toilsome process of destroying the opium in words. Although they guarded in the remote frontier with toil, yet their loyalty especially manifested the true and sincere friendship in adversities between them.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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