


The Comparative Study on Commendatory and Textual Research of Chinese Literature Classics and Western Hermeneutic




方漢文(Han-Wen Fang)


經典 ; 考據與評注 ; 闡釋學 ; 比較研究 ; canon ; commendatory and textual research ; Hermeneutic ; comparative study




13期(2007 / 05 / 01)


179 - 213






The commendatory and textual research in Chinese traditional academic research and Western Hermerneutik are the different disciplinary and literature research techniques which have been produced in different cultural systems and historical contexts, which pay more attention to the text explanation and the establishment independent theoretical system. In order to find their essence, this thesis looks back to the historical stages and every stage of these two courses, the author has pointed out the core and the mechanism of dialogue between them. It is no doubt that the discrepancy of historical civilization leads to their mutual intercommunion, but it can not be avoided that the particularity of each historical context offers the chance to compare. To explain Chinese and Western to explain the similarities and differences between China and the West, the author has analyzed the comparison from time and space, and combine the classical textual criticism that both sides rely on to have a comparison of their meanings. The author also has a comment on the viewpoint about Chinese Confucian study by German scholar Max Weber and points out his shortcomings on historical idea.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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