


A Preliminary Study on Lin Yun-ming's "Zhuang Zi Yin"




陳煒舜(Nicholas L. Chan)


莊子因 ; 林雲銘 ; 道家 ; 儒家 ; 清代文學 ; Zhuang Zi Yin ; Lin Yun-ming ; Taoism ; Confucianism ; the Qing literature




15期(2008 / 05 / 01)


41 - 72






Zhuang Zi Yin, authored by Lin Yun-ming (1628-1697), is an exegetic work of Zhuang Zi prevalent in the Qing dynasty (1644-1911). This book earned low prestige among the Qing scholars, since Lin applied the method of pingdian 評點, i.e. traditional Chinese literary criticism by adding annotations and commentaries to the original texts. This method was often criticized since it was related to the eight-legged essay writing (bagu wen 八股文), and those who applied this method in exegetic works were considered shallow in knowledge. Though the scholars in the 20(superscript th) century showed more various attitudes towards Zhuang Zi Yin, they were still consistent in the assertion that the focus of this work was on literary appreciation instead of philosophy. In fact, Lin investigated in his exegesis the thoughts and literature of Zhuang Zi by carrying on his principles of Confucian preaching and literary study. Since the Song dynasty, scholars were interested in studying the similarities between Zhuang Zi and Confucianism. Influenced by this trend, Lin studied the character, time and academic background of Zhuang Zi the thinker. He pointed out that Zhuang Zi had unique features which were different from the thoughts of Lao Tze and Confucianism, and analyzed its text in detail, and emphasized the similarities of Zhuang Zi and Confucianism. In addition, Lin's literary study includes the interpretation of the text of Zhuang Zi, the literary appreciation and the scrutiny in the faking of certain parts of the book. Lin was one of the earliest scholars who claimed that the 'Tian Xia' chapter was composed by an anonymous editor instead of Zhuang Zi himself. Zhuang Zi Yin's application of pingdian method is controversial, its scrutiny of faking is not always objective, and the original text of Zhuang Zi is sometimes even misread intentionally for the sake of Confucian preaching. However, these do show that is not only a book of literary appreciation, but has its own philosophical doctrines.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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