


A Study on the Incomplete Collection of Song Gao Seng Zhuan: Starting from Liu Zongyuan's Inscriptions




林伯謙(Po-Chian Lin)


贊寧 ; 宋高僧傳 ; 柳宗元 ; 碑誌 ; 塔銘 ; Zan Ning ; Song Gao Seng Zhuan ; Liu Zongyuan ; inscription ; memorial pagoda




16期(2008 / 11 / 01)


53 - 85






Following imperial instructions Zan Ning, the liege of the North Song Dynasty, compiled the Song Gao Seng Zhuan (the biographies of the eminent monks in the Song Dynasty) and continued the previous works of Huijiao and Daoxuan. He believed that he had made a great effort in this book in order to ”ensure the complete collection of biographies of the eminent monks”. He thought that Huijiao and Daoxuan were restrained by certain perspectives and so they could not achieve a complete collection. Buddhism flourished during the Tang Dynasty and many eminent monks became very famous. Zan Ning's Song Gao Seng Zhuan has been highly appraised within academia. This extensive collection consists of 30 volumes; there are 655 monks' biographies, with four-fifths of them being from the Tang Dynasty. However, the book compiled by imperial order did not cover all eminent monks. Quite a lot of monks were missing, not just one or two. For example, Liu Zongyuan is the prominent figure of the ancient Chinese literature in the mid-Tang Dynasty period; the quantity of inscriptions he had written was the most numerous among all of the others. Nevertheless, Zan Ning had not collected his works in this collection. Why not? Is it because Liu's inscriptions were regarded as exceptional? The study first discusses Liu's inscriptions, and makes a comparison with the collection of Song Gao Seng Zhuan; secondly it analyzes the contexts in the book. Finally, it concludes with three reasons for the incomplete collection of Song Gao Seng Zhuan: (1) Zan Ning did not put all his efforts into the collection process; (2) His writing attitude determined the collection scope; and (3) He had his own preferences regarding the historical materials.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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