Analyses of poetic praises in the Wen Xin Diao Long can be divided into five categories: styles, lexes, significances, inner thoughts, and forms of expression. The origin of poetic praises was retraced based on the theoretical summary derived from the Suzhi, the last chapter of the Wen Xin Diao Long. The study first analyzed the relation between Wen Xin Diao Long and Buddhism. The thoughts of Liu Xie, the author of the Wen Xin Diao Long, conveyed Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. In particular, he has constructed a complete, considerable and well-regulated system which was tightly linked with Buddhist scriptures (Collection of Records concerning the Tripitaka). In addition, it was sorted out by him together with the master of jurisprudence, Shih Seng-yu. However, the poetic praises indirectly inherited the Buddhist geya, both the geya and the Buddhist scriptures were duplicated as well as the Mishneh of the Wen Xin Diao Long. There are no restriction of antithesis, rhyming, and length, only the ordered words. It is absolutely different from the poetic praises that are antithetic, rhyming, and has a fixed length. The poetic praises were not criticisms and rhymes and indirectly inherited from the ”Virtuous Man says” of Zuo Zhuan, the ”Tai Shi Gong says” of Shi Ji and the poetic praises to Han Shu. Yet, it was derived from Shi Jing. The previously mentioned articles had indirect relations with poetic praises to the Wen Xin Diao Long. The aesthetic concept of Liu Xie also originated from the ”Legend of the Distinguished Women” written by Liu Siang and Liu Sin, father and son authors from the Nan Dynasty. As a supporter of the Confucianism, Liu Xie's poetic praises to the Wen Xin Diao Long and Liu Siang/Liu Sin's ”Legend of the Distinguished Women” have a similar writing style. The final rhyming scheme of the ”Legend of the Distinguished Women” repeats the meaning described in texts at the beginning. Liu Xie is an intellectual who read a lot and his predecessors cannot be easily traced. The theoretical summary and the purpose of this study are to discover the origin of the Wen Xin Diao Long's style by retracing its origin.