


The Analysis of Taiwan Ci Clubs during Japan's Colonization




蘇淑芬(Shu-Fen Su)


臺灣詞社 ; 巧社 ; 小題吟會 ; Taiwan ci clubs ; Qiaoshe ; Xiaoti Yinhui




18期(2009 / 11 / 01)


185 - 212






During Japan's colonization in Taiwan, there were only two clubs of ci-including Qiaoshe of Taipei and Xiaoti Yinhui of Jiayi. This thesis surveys the foundation of these two ci clubs and their convocation activities; furthermore, this thesis also collects their works, including laments, reminiscences, inscriptions and objects chanting. In addition, this thesis will analyze the appearance of the field of ci in Taiwan, including members of the same clubs would sing within the same title of ci in concordance and using the longer tune. Since there was a lack of the rhyme and notation of ci, a few composers would compose the ci as the rhyme of the poem; consequently, there were few ci may not follow the classical poetic forms and rhymes completely. Besides, some of the members of clubs were not the same members of clubs of poetry that they organized other ci clubs with the common goal and same interests. They usually composed a ci and several poems at the same time. At last, this thesis discusses the reasons that clubs of ci are not as prosperous as clubs of poetry do. The main reasons include the difficulty to create the classical ci; the forbiddance of Chinese; the promotion of new literature makes classical literature ignored; the difficulty to preserve the works of ci; and the difficulty to decode the books of ci.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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