


Succession of Noble Rank and Household as Outlined in the "Laws on Posthumous Succession" in the Laws and Decrees of the Second Year




周美華(Min-Hwa Chou)


置後律 ; 置後 ; 戶後 ; 立戶 ; 代戶 ; 什伍編制 ; 傅籍 ; 八月案比 ; Laws on Posthumous Succession ; succession of nobility ; succession of household head ; establish household ; proxy head of household ; neighborhoods of 5 and 10 households ; registeration ; census




18期(2009 / 11 / 01)


33 - 60






The ”Laws on Posthumous Succession” in the Laws and Decrees of the Second Year outline the laws regarding succession of noble rank and household. These laws were used in the governance of the people and households during the beginning of the Han dynasty. Household registration was mandatory and a census was taken every August. The purpose of the laws on posthumous succession was to confirm the status of every citizen and to appoint a lawful successor of noble rank upon death. For households, a new head was appointed also when the previous head passed away. Successors in both regards were appointed based on bloodlines. Nevertheless, laws regarding succession of households were more detailed, as it determined who would control the property of the deceased. Persons of age were required to register. Those failing to do so forfeited their right to succeed their father, as well as to use of government farm lands and housing. Proxy heads of household could also be appointed, and were given authority to manage, but not to dispose of, property. Successors in either instance were not limited to male progeny only; widows, daughters and grandmothers all had right of successorship. This varies from traditional feudal practices and reveals the willingness of Han rulers to acknowledge the rights of women and disadvantaged clans.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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