


〈Hán péng fù〉's System and the Story Evolve the Significance Mentions from "Hán píng's Wife" (Sou shén jì) and "Hán péng fù" (Books which Discovered from Dunhuang) Comparison




蔡文榮(Wen-Jung Tsai);盧翁美珍(Mei-Chen Luweng)


韓朋賦 ; 韓憑妻 ; 筆記小說 ; 俗賦 ; 衍化變形 ; Hán péng fù ; Hán píng's wife ; Literary sketches ; eneral Fu




18期(2009 / 11 / 01)


61 - 84






The〈Hán péng fù〉origin time cannot test, but as early as widely has spread in the Han Dynasty, many books also one after another include, spreads after the times change, many writers are the romantic imagination, melts uses the creation, causes the story sorrow wan moving. The ”Hán píng's wife” of Sou shén jì increases many plots in the original fable foundation, obvious it is perfunctory the trace, sketchily has generally speaking had the novel structure; Is good at as for the ”Hán péng fù”(books which discovered from Dunhuang) describing the cause and effect, the character image, the dialog obviously vividly, joins transforms the imagination plot, in order to be full of the folk literature characteristic the General Fu. Although both the literature style is different, but in the component, in the story main meaning all has a kind of vicinity, hoped that focuses this both in the numerous texts, first on the content, the structure, the lead appearance and the disposition three, place of the detail comparison difference, because of has the stress characteristic analysis respectively, discovers is different with the literary sketches which and the traditional writer uncouth〈Hán péng fù〉 represents bestows on folk, specially ballad trite saying all comes from the folk, has the language to be popular, lively fickle, vivid simple and unadorned, easy to spread characteristic. The〈Hán péng fù〉enjoys great popularity, the sentiment is meaningful, spreads out, the superimposition after the posterity biography, the plot unit wraps the unit again, the imaginary shape evolves unceasingly, already and primitive fable difference very many. And folk of consciousness and the cultural meaning implication are certainly full of thought of the basic unit circuitous resistance crude political power plundering, projects the people to the real love sympathy and the anticipation, even looks governs cherished, fills deep remorse hardship to reprove by parables deeply with complains, although has the writer standard rule good pen and the beautiful style standard not necessarily, but actually reveals between the lines from the folk bright vulgar and coarse language with exerts oneself the spirited vitality.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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