


The Dialectic between the Local and the Global: The Hsiang-tu Literature Discussion and Its Cultural Meanings




林巾力(Chin-Li Lin)


現代化 ; 鄉土文學 ; 世界文學 ; 普遍性 ; 特殊性 ; modernization ; Hsiang-tu Literature ; the world literature ; universality ; particularity




19期(2010 / 05 / 01)


369 - 396






In the early 1930s, the focuses of Taiwanese literature debates were shifting from ”time” to ”place”, that is, from New and Old Literature to Hsiang-tu Literature. But the stand for Hsiang-tu literature was not based on the urge of returning to the past but on the request for reexamining the modernization from local points of view. Therefore the rise of Hsiang-tu literature is, in a way, a modern phenomenon. With regards to the concern over the dialogues between Hsiang-tu and modernity, this paper aims to trace the Hsiang-tu literature debates, particularly its involvement of the discussion regarding the local and the global. This research includes the following steps: the first is to observe the modern linguistic reform and its actual difficulties while practiced in Taiwan, second is to analyze how Hsiang-tu as a kind of strategies confronted the difficulties and what meanings the Hsiang-t literature debates brought to Taiwanese culture. In conclusion, it is pointed out that, in spite of the failure of Taiwan hwa-wen, the Hsiang-tu debates opened a horizon where Taiwan as the identity of Hsiang-tu could compare itself to the ”bigger Others”. Through the discussion of Hsiang-tu literature, Taiwanese literati did not only modify the universality defined by the bigger others with local point of views but also constructed Taiwan as a cultural integrality.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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