


The Lost Hero: Interpreting the Principle of Narration and the Mentality of Yan Dan Zi from "the Hero's Journey"




黃東陽(Tung-Yang Huang)


燕丹子 ; 荊軻 ; 千面英雄 ; 漢魏六朝 ; 志人小說 ; Yan Dan Zi ; Jing Ke ; The assassination of Emperor Qin ; Han Wei ; Words and Deeds novels.




20期(2010 / 11 / 01)


51 - 72






This paper analyzed the principle of narration and the major consciousness of Yan Dan Zi, in order to understand why the assassination of Emperor Qin by Jing Ke, a political event, was shaped into the cultural causes of a hero's journey. It is known that during the pre-Qin era, it was popular among scholars to create exploits, in order to gain a permanent record in history, in exchange for the thinking of spiritual immortality. This thinking became the motivation of Jing Ke in paying his life for the political assassination of Emperor Qin. The account of this action was not only popular in the country of Yan, but gained sympathy and understanding in countries attacked by the Qin. This book treated the encounter of strange things by Prince Yan Dan as apocalyptic and interpreted the assassination of Emperor Qin as the will of Heaven. It, therefore, allowed the all but foolish behavior of political assassination became Jing Ke's way of achieving an eternal life. It aptly caused people, such as Gao Jianli, to imitate and follow, and became the typical case of practicing the meaning of life. Secondly, the Han people also interpreted the impulsive behavior of Jing Ke as an illustration of revenge in the Chinese Classic and was in the norms of propriety and demonstrated Jing Ke's nature of loyalty. As for the strange phenomena happened during the assassination of the Emperor Qin, they can be interpreted as the interaction between Heaven and human. This interpretation enabled the consideration of behavior of Jing Ke's assassination of Emperor Qin a warning to those, such as Emperor Qin, who defied the ways of Heaven and established the concept of opposition of good and evil. Consequently, it totally reversed the evaluation of Jing Ke's failure in history.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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