


The Vanguard and the Rearguard of Liti Wen




陳松雄(Song-Shyong Chen)


儷體文 ; 陸士衡 ; 成楚望 ; Liti Wen ; Lu Shiheng ; Cheng Chuwang




20期(2010 / 11 / 01)


73 - 108




三代兩漢,文筆未分,作者唯務立意之宗,不存翫華之習。而古中廁麗,辭或不孤,乃自然之相須,因神理而為用也。魏晉以降,文運轉移,儷駢之體漸萌,輕綺之風始扇。華美為尚,士以流靡自妍;縟繁是依,辭以潤雕加價。古體將退,新型欲滋,兩漢根株之作,自斯寢聲;南朝麗典之篇,由此鼓浪。尤以士衡之志邁千古,氣凌百家,立體創規,設模垂範,更成古風終絕之士,敬謝前賢;今體激成之人,津梁百世者也。是知駢麗成體,士衡功多,祖師之名既馳,前茅之號斯播焉。 其後代生俊彥,各領風騷,家傳靈蛇之珠,人騁驃驥之足。暨民國肇造,萬象更新,世遭西浪之侵,人受歐風之化。駢壇落寞,直如莖曲之終;儷製寂寥,尤似廣陵之絕。唯成楚望手迴幾倒之運,力扇將灰之光,超軼群倫,飛軒絕跡。鎔今鑄古,秉時代之精神;用事合機,成一己之特色。故駢壇千載,盛衰本乎世情,民國一英,繼絕騰其丕德。 是知儷體初創,士衡統前茅之軍;駢風續飆,楚望振後勁之旅,故而論焉。一曰具體以前之發展,二曰陸士衡為其前茅,三曰具體以後之通變,四曰成楚望為其後勁。


Rhyme and essay were not distinguished into two categories till Western and Eastern Han Dynasties. Although the former writers focused more on the theme and the content than techniques, blending ornament into plain language or using parallel phrases were out of a writer's nature, and were helpful to explain ideas. Since Wei and Jin Dynasties, literary style was changed. The style of Pianli (Liti Wen) begun to be popular, and literature language became ornate and complicated. The former plain style was replaced by Nan Dynasty's elaborate Pianli style. Among Pianli writers, Lu Shiheng was an outstanding and ambitious one. He ended the former plain style, founded model and principles of Pianli, and had influences on later generations. Lu was renowned as the master and the vanguard of Pianli style. Inheriting the profound groundwork, the later writers were ingenuity, and had shown their creavities in different dynasties. However, the tides of Western culture and theories invaded when the Republic of China built. Pianli style was almost disappearance. Thanked to Cheng Chuwang's striving, Pianli style was revival again. Cheng's writings are distinctive and prominent for fusing history with modernity, reflecting the spirit of the Age, and exploiting appropriate allusions. Pianli's thousand years' development was related to the circumstance, and with great virtue, Cheng extended it in Democrotic Age. As the vanguard of Pianti style, Lu founded its norm; as the rear guard, Cheng revitalized it from weakening. The essay is divided into four parts. First, an introduction of Pianli's development before it had a model. Second, Lu became the vanguard of Pianli. Third, the transformations of Pianli since the model had been founded. The last part, Cheng became the rear guard of Pianli. According to Chronicle of Zuo, the significances of military commanding should be ”the service helps the preparation; the vanguard leads the norm; the center plans strategies, and the rear guards the army.” Pianli's development was like the allusion that was prepared from the early Qin Dynasty to Western and Eastern Han Dynasties; was founded in the Western Jin Dynasty; form Song to Qing Dynasty, writers present it with their talent and creativities; when the Republic of China built, Cheng guarded it, and presented the style's aesthetics once again. Consequently, The history on Pianli's development was as clear as a chain.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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