


Shuo-wen chieh-tzu, Female Radical-An Exploration of Cultural Connotations of the Surname Marriage Word Groups




沈心慧(Hsin-Hui Shen)


說文女部 ; 女部文化 ; 姓氏文化 ; 婚姻文化 ; 漢字文化 ; 姓氏字群 ; 婚姻字群 ; Shuo-wen female radical ; female radical culture ; surname culture ; marriage culture ; Han character culture ; surname word group ; marriage word group




22期(2011 / 11 / 01)


27 - 52






The female radical of Shuo-wen chieh-tzu ”Explaining Simple and Analyzing Compound Characters” totally collects 238 words, so this radical makes a greater part of the book. And it includes the history and cultures related to ancient females. This article explores the general state of the marriage and status of ancient females in terms of the word groups related to surnames and marriage. For example, ”female” shows the womanly characteristics of seriousness and deference. The twelve words of the surname word group consist of eleven surnames of ancient times, which shows that in ancient maternal society only mothers are known while fathers are unknown. So the kids use the surnames of their mothers, and are called according to their location, worshipping the history and cultures of female ancestors. The word groups of marriage, birth, relatives' titles include 28 words, which manifests females' life story and shifting process of their status. Among these, ”cousin” and ”younger concubine” these two Chinese characters further show a special phenomenon of their marriage union in ancient times. The Book of Rites, Whenyi, a Confucius classic of the pre-Chin dynasty times, says, ”Marriage is a good union of two surnames. It can function to serve the temples and produce following generations.” Judging from this, the explanation of marriage stresses the importance of worshipping ancestors and producing children. So the family advantage is more important, and the female status is certainly mean and low.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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