


The Discussion of the Use of Allusion in Yu Xin's Poetry




陳松雄(Song-Shyong Chen)


庾信辭賦 ; 辭賦用典 ; Yu Xin's poetry ; the use of allusion in Ci and Fu




22期(2011 / 11 / 01)


53 - 73






During early childhood, Yu Xin was more intelligent than other people and knowledgeable through having read extensively, particularly in Zuo Zhuan. As a classic of Chinese literature, Lichi is the excellent text of parallel prose in which ”allusion” and ”preface” are composed separately by historical facts and Sage's speech that contains the graceful poetry. Thus, Lichi is dedicated to developing well-written, rhetoric and gorgeous literary work. Now I take Yu Xin's poetry to be an example to discuss the use of allusion in Lichi and analyze the function of it. No matter what you read, ”Juliang” or other famous chapters, Yu Xin's poetry soothes people's mood and nourish people's soul from generation to generation. On the other hand, with brief statement and deep meaning, Yu Xin is good at using simile and metaphor in his works; in Chinese literature, the way of ”Zhiyan” and ”Yingua” combine with delight and beauty. Moreover, his poetry shows the great talent of the use of allusion. For all the above mentioned reasons, I will provide the four main futures of his works: First, his language has the richness and sententious fullness of the Chinese poetry. Second, he had provided sufficient evidence to prove his claims that include a summary of all of the key points. Third, his poetry paid great attention to the spiritual and emotional life of man. Fourth, the works are full of literary analogy that has been clearly stated in his point of view. Fifth, Yu Xin put his focus on developing well-mined works during his lifetime that exerts a great influence on later generations of scholars. Sixth, to achieve artistic perfection, in his writing, he increases the use of allusion.Although his poems were not published more, all sections of the poetry are full of aesthetics and philosophy of life in which combine to create a new trend of classical poetry in Liang Dynasty. Specifically, his poetry portrays his sentimental heart as a poet in Northern Dynasty. In sum, the north and south have different characteristics. In human history, Yu Xin's poetry is the precious treasure of Chinese classical literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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