


Analysis of the Pedigree of the Scholars in the Encyclopaedia of the Four Books (Sishu daquan)




陳逢源(Feng-Yuen Chen)


朱熹 ; 四書 ; 四書大全 ; 道統 ; 性理 ; Zhu Xi (1130-1200) ; The Four Books ; The Encyclopaedia of the Four Books ; The Daotong (Succession to the Way) ; Nature and Principle




23期(2012 / 05 / 01)


219 - 246






By means of working hard at adapting, omitting, revising, and integrating, Zhu Xi finally accomplished the Exegesis of the Collections of Texts from the Four Books (Sishu zhangju jizhu). In order to recover Zhu Xi's thought, his disciples used the resources in the Queries of the Four Books (Sishu huowen) to explicate the content in the Exegesis of the Collections of Texts from the Four Books. Based on three annotations as well as the written records of Zhu's disciples' lectures, exploring the implication of Zhu and his disciples' discourses has become the core of interpretation of the Four Books. Since there has been more and more schools of thought and explanations have been more and more detailed, the quotations in the Encyclopaedia of the Four Books (Sishu daquan) are totally from 105 Confucian scholars, except Zhu Xi. The abundant resources are not only useful for textual criticism but also reconfirming the meaning of later generations' interpretations. Through surveying the regional distribution and academic pedigree in the Encyclopaedia of the Four Books, I found that there is the coherent inheritance of the ”Philosophy of Way (Daoxue)” from Cheng Yi, Cheng Hao, Zhu Xi to Zhu's disciples as well as the integration of many scholars' thoughts. The two kinds of thought not only reveal the inheritance of schools, sects, and affections of clan, but also construct Zhu Xi's position of representing a generalization of various viewpoints of the Four Books. In order to build up the most important foundation of the thought, ”officialization,” in the Encyclopaedia of the Four Books, I will cull out the dissimilitude with Zhu and focus on the origin of Zhu's study. Continuing the critical interpretations in Han and Tang and integrating Scholars' ordinance in Song, Zhu accomplished the Exegesis of the Collections of Texts from the Four Books. Moreover, the succeeding scholars followed Zhu's work to complete the Encyclopaedia of the Four Books, which demonstrated an inheritable and integrated way of interpretation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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