


On the Status of "Wu Daifu" in the "Laws and Decrees of the Second Year"




周美華(Mei-Hua Zhou)


《二年律令》 ; 軍功爵 ; 五大夫 ; 秦漢簡 ; 秦漢史 ; Laws and Decrees of the Second Year ; nobility for military merit ; wu daifu ; bamboo strips from Qin and Han ; the history of Qin and Han




23期(2012 / 05 / 01)


23 - 46






While ranks of nobility bestowed for military merit were a way to encourage bravery, they were not certain until the political environment had stabilized and those in power actually validated them. In 202 BC, Liu Bang ascended to the throne and pacified military vassals and others through the conferral of such ranks. His use of this method changed from encouraging military exploits during the war to stabilizing the empire in its infancy. Furthermore, he did away with the Chu system of rank and adopted the Qin system as a way to pacify those loyal to the Qin, and perhaps to state that he was the new emperor and not just a king of a vassal state. After Emperor Hui ascended the throne, political power fell into the hands of Empress Lü, who desired to enfeoff as many of her clansmen and kill as many of Liu Bang's clansmen as possible. This act inevitably brought about a feeling of crisis in and backlash from those officials who gained their position through meritorious service. To win over this influential faction, as part of her Laws and Decrees of the Second Year (186 BC), she expanded the regulation that allowed generals who had been made kings or marquis to pass on their rank to allow all generals to pass on their ranks (those of a grade 18 or lower would be demoted a rank when it was inherited). This politically-savvy move would have added much needed stability to the Lü rule. Yet as most of the benefactors were in high positions, in the proclamation issued when Emperor Hui took the throne, the cutoff line for high nobility was lowered from officials of a 600 dan grade to that of wu daifu. This made the position of wu daifu much more lustrous. Empress Lü also gave wu daifu many economic and political benefits that highlighted their power and authority. Not only did they have food, clothing, and accommodations provided, their families also received a government stipend after their death. They were also immune to fines and punishments, as well as required military service for their offspring. In addition, they were not subject to the guilt by association that was enforced on societal units of five and ten households. Thus were the benefits for those of a grade 9 wu daifu rank. The benefits enjoyed by grades 10 and above were even more extravagant. The value Empress Lü placed on ranks of military merit not only brought about a large transformation of this system under her rule, it also turned wu daifu into the rank of most attention during the Han dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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