


Nvestigating the Life-ethics: Accumulation of Good Deed for Immortality in Xiang'erzhu




王璟(Jing Wang)


道教 ; 道誡 ; 《老子想爾注》 ; 積善成仙 ; 生命倫理觀 ; Taoism ; Tao's disciplines ; LaoZi XiangErZhu ; ethics and charity for immortality ; Life-Ethics




23期(2012 / 05 / 01)


47 - 72






Taoist especially aimed at life issues of which doctrine was totally carried around life. The Taoist's bible LaoZi XiangErZhu tied with human life and human's moral behavior. LaoZi XiangErZhu claimed that if people want to live long or even forever, in addition to keep health, they have to seriously train their ethics and behave charity. LaoZi XiangErZhu claimed that everyone is equal and can achieve immortality. LaoZi XiangErZhu stressed the Tao's disciplines including the health tips, ethics training, and charity practices. It further pointed out ethics training and charity practices were the premise of immortality. Upon religion, LaoZi XiangErZhu used a large number of good and evil concepts to emphasize the importance of Tao's disciplines. LaoZi XiangErZhu re-regulated the concepts of loyalty, justice, filial piety, and kindheartedness based on Tao's disciplines. LaoZi XiangErZhu noted that the practice of daily ethics is a kind of good deeds, but also a religious process. LaoZi XiangErZhu induced people to voluntarily comply with the codes of ethics, and thus became the major feature of Taoist's life concept.A number of researches have focused on the health tips, but limited discussion regarding ethics and charity. This paper aims at the later. This paper investigates Taoist's life concept from angles of ideal life for immortals, the only approach of immortality, and behaviors of ethics and charity for immortality.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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