


Life Awareness of Wei-Jin Scholars from Shishuo Shinyu




王妙純(Maio-Shun Wang)


《世說新語》 ; 魏晉士人 ; 生命意識 ; 自我意識 ; 時空意識 ; 死亡意識 ; Shishuo Shinyu ; Wei-Jin scholars ; life awareness ; selfawareness ; time and space awareness ; death awareness




23期(2012 / 05 / 01)


73 - 98






Wei-jin was an unprecedented era that highly focused on life awareness. The so-called ”life awareness” revealed an individual's self realization and grasp of life-and-death issues. Such realization was profoundly portrayed in ”Shishuo Shinyu”. Wei-Jin scholars experienced and thought of life and death profoundly and uniquely; as a result, unique Wei-Jin demeanor was developed. Actually, there was a close relationship between the two. Although the scholars after Wei-Jin never stopped exploring and thinking of the meaning of life, there had never ever been such an era like Wei-Jin that paid great concern to life-and-death issues on such a big scale. ”Shishuo Shinyu” reflected the abundantly rich and highly personal information on life awareness of Wei-Jin scholars. As can be seen from the written records of the book, Wei-Jin scholars' life awakening was mainly expressed in three aspects: self realization, time and space awareness, and death awareness, which would be discussed in this paper. As Wei-Jin scholars' strong sense of life awaking left the later generations much inspiration and reflection, this became the undercurrent for uplifting the spirit of the Chinese literati. The focus of this paper would be on: a. how Wei-Jin scholars expressed their life awareness, b. how it differed from that of former and later generations, and c. the relationship between Wei-Jin scholars' life awareness and demeanor.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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