”Tang Shi Gui”, compiled by Zhing Xing and Tan Yuan Chun, made a sensation in the late Ming Dynasty that every intellectual had one. ”Tang Shi BieCaiJi” which was compiled by Chen De Qian had a similar comment as well as Tang Shi Guiduring the Qing Qian Long Dynasty. Therefore, there are numerous interpretations and paper on the two Tang poetry books respectively, yet the study on comparing the two books is none. The two books owned powerful influence since the poems selected in the books were from the thriving Tang, and the quantity of Dufu's poems adopted in was the most among other poets in Tang Dynasty. However, the intentions of compiling the two books were different; hence, the themes, meters, and comments were definitely disparate. Comparing the two books not only can make a clear the advocacies between the two factions, but also can make an extensive realization how wide and what the transition the scholars in the late Ming and thriving Tang accepted Dufu's poems. This study starts from sketching the intentions of poem selectionfrom the two factions, and then steps forward to analyze the themes and meters, compare the poem comments to present the features they outlined Dufu's poems.