


Study of Qian Qianyi's Collection-In the Animal Husbandry and Fast Survey of the Qian qianyi's Bibliography




王國良(Kuo-Liang Wang)


錢謙益 ; 絳雲樓 ; 藏書來源 ; 藏書處所 ; 牧齋書目 ; Qian qianyi ; Crimson cloud building ; collection source ; collection of Qian qianyi premises ; Qian Muzhai bibliography




24期(2012 / 11 / 01)


167 - 188






This paper attempts to raw materials, indirectly handed down data, coupled with the modern scholar research, collection of in-depth study of Qian qianyi's actual situation. In order to facilitate discussion on who knows who, first, brief biography, describes the life of Qian Muzhai about acting. Hope to clarify the ins and outs of money collection, collection sources and comprehensive study of its premises, and Shepherd of the fast of the existing bibliography (bibliography of Crimson cloud building) details for comparative analysis. Finally, for collection of Qian qianyi's truth are yet to be fully clean, a solemn appeal.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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