
應物制巧 隨變生趣—以《昭明文選》曹植章表為範例


Phrasing Changes with Context While Change of Phrasing Brings Delight: Exemplified by Two Selected Articles by Cao Zhi in "Zhao Ming Wen Xuan"




陳素素(Su-Su Chen)


古文 ; 章表 ; 曹植 ; 修辭 ; Classical Chinese ; memorials to the throne ; Cao Zhi ; rhetoric




24期(2012 / 11 / 01)


23 - 58






This work uses as examples two memorials to the emperor by Cao Zhi collected in ”Zhao Ming Wen Xuan” or Selections of Refined Literature. They are ”QiuZi Shi Biao”, requesting for a position, and ”Qiu Tong Qin Qin Biao”, requesting the emperor not to distance himself from relatives. We observe, as Cao Zhi cited quotations and stories, how his choice and use of words changed depending on the context, pleasing and delighting readers. These memorials as a result present the following rhetorical phenomena and effects: 1. Highlighting truth by following Confucian classics. 2. Revealing the the key points by stressing them in the beginning and the end. 3. Not digressing from but cling to the title. 4. Reasoning using appropriate metaphors. 5. Better exposing emotions and ambitions by analogy parallelism. 6. Manifestinglogic by exception clauses. 7. Highlighting logic by built-on sentences. 8. Expressing emotions by hyperboles. 9. Clarifying ambitions by substitution. 10. Substantiating his reasons and emotions by parables. These two letters cited 128 quotations and stories, nearly half (58) of which are Confucian. The purpose of Cao Zhi's following ”Confucian classics” was to ”highlight the truth”, which was greatly praised by Liu Xie. This is also why it is the first item discussed in this work.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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