


An Admonition to Military Governor: On Political Teachings of "Xuanguai Lu, Guo Daigong"




鄧郁生(Yu-Sheng Deng)


牛僧孺 ; 玄怪錄 ; 郭代公 ; 郭元振 ; 藩鎮 ; Niu SengRu ; "Xuanguai Lu" ; 'Guo Daigong' ; Guo Yuanzhen ; military governor




24期(2012 / 11 / 01)


59 - 90






This thesis tries to analyze Niu SengRu's ”Xuanguai Lu,Guo Daigong” in the viewpoint of ”Literature reflects the society”, and then finds its purport was that ”gentleman give villain a lecture”. In this fiction, General Wu who hectored villagers was insinuated as the rebellious military governor in the Tang Dynasty, the elder who rolled with the punches was a mirror of the over-lenient court, Guo Yuanzhen who destroyed the monster brought the masses a hope of punish evil. The last of fiction described that Guo Yuanzhen married a beautiful concubine, and all his exploits are the will of Heaven, it shows that where the popular will inclines, moreover, it gives the authority-chaser an admonition. On the further meanings, this fiction is not only full of the yearning for the past glorious period of Tang Dynasty, but also has criticism to the situation of the middle-late period of Tang Dynasty.On the other hand, the keynote of 'Guo Daigong' is ”an admonition to military governor”, when we contrast it with Niu SengRu's political idea for military governor, we could find that, although Niu SengRu didn't advocate cutting the claws of military governor, he never advocate rolling with the punches; the plot about eliminating the monster is only interpreted as ”pen-denouncing” and ”exhorting”, rather than cutting the claws of military governor. To infer the reason why Niu SengRu wrote this fiction, first, to let his complaint about the social disorder off, second, to hope the military governor could seeing another better than oneself, one tries to equal him, and wish the country could make progress in stable situation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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