


A Study of the Heritage of Nanxi and Beiju for the Songs of Song Dynasty


侯淑娟(Shu-Chuan Hou)


說唱 ; 轉調 ; 宋金元 ; 詞曲文學 ; 戲曲音樂 ; Jiang chang ; Zhuan diao ; Zhu gong diao ; Ci Qu ti ; the music of Xi Qu




25期(2013 / 05 / 01)


77 - 108






In ancient times, there was no technology to record music; therefore, the saying and singing music that belong to the art of time were difficult to spread. But in the Ci Qu ti literature of Chinese opera, which assimilates the pai diao of saying and singing literature, one can study the transformation of the writing system. Although the sound of the Zhu gong diao - which comes from music and literature of Song Ci and present in Chinese opera - is very hard to find today, the Ci Qu literature reveals the fading and transformation of the music. In this article - from the transformation of the gong diao of Zhu gong diao and the analysis of chan ling's application - we will discuss the relationship of the Zhu gong diao and the gu zi ci of Song dynasty, along with the feature of Zhu gong diao's modulation, which combines the trace of Nanxi and Bei za ju tao shu. In conclusion, this article will help scholars and students better understand the gong diao of the Zhu gong diao, the pai diao, chan ling, and the transformation and fading of Chinese opera and the Ci, along with analyzing the music that reveals the transformation of the writing system.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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