The current version of ”Yuan Hun Zhi” was completed by compiling and editing scattered documents. Approximately sixty stories are preserved, with their themes centered mostly on the revenge of ghosts. The book mainly originated from classics in past dynasties, but through edits at various stages, it deliberately stressed that victims' deaths resulted from unjust treatment rather than by accident, and clearly indicated that the victimizers killed by ghosts had defects in their personalities or behaviors. Though many stories conveyed the conventional happy ending, they also detailed how the characters' ideas impacted their lives. It depicted the victimizers' fear by guilty conscience when faced with ghosts. This reflected the victims' expectation that unfair matters will be resolved, and that karma theory is independent of time and space. The stories promoted the concept of karma, along with good versus evil. Yan Zhi Twei does not simply replicates Buddhism's theory of causation; but instead, he also merges China's traditional thinking to acquire more affirmation from the readers. This way, his purpose of promoting Buddhism through ”Yuan Hun Zhi” may be fulfilled.