


The Writings of the Fu of the Tang Dynasty Concerning the Customs of the Cold Food Festival and the Tomb Sweeping Day-the Study for "Jin-Huo, Gai-Huo, and Ci-Xin-Huo"


黃水雲(Shui-Yun Huang)


唐賦 ; 寒食清明節俗 ; 禁火 ; 改火 ; 賜新火 ; the Fu of the Tang Dynasty ; the customs of the Cold Food Festival and the Tomb Sweeping Day ; Jin-Huo ; Gai-Huo ; Ci-Xin-Huo




28期(2014 / 11 / 01)


55 - 77






The Cold Food Festival and the Tomb Sweeping Day are the festivals of having colorful Chinese folk meanings, and, deeply impact on the palace. The citizen in the Tang Dynasty usually held some recreation activities such as painting duck,cockfights, Cu-Ju, and Swing. Besides, other customs such as Jin-Huo (eating cold food without cooking with fire), Gai-Huo [renewing fire, or, Zuan Sui Qu Huo (drilling wood to make fire)], Ci-Xin-Huo (bestowing new fire), and sacrificing and cleansing are more important to be stressed generally. The festival customs are the products accumulated and deposited by generations' lifestyles and usages. Hence, the contents of many scholars' compositions are mainly for the customs of the festivals. Also, it is the subject which reflects the civil soul in the generation. Watching the drilling wood to make new fire is the main activity in the Cold Food Festival and theTomb Sweeping Day. The scholar of the Lu-Fu in the Tang Dynasty, Wang Qi , lively described the scene that how the ancients drill woods to make fire shown by the two compositions, Zuan Sui Gai Huo Fu) and Qu Yu Huo Fu . Furthermore, another scholar's composition, Qing Ming Ri En Ci Bai Guan Xin Huo Fu , written by Xie Guan, reflected bestowing the fires on the officials that the custom of the palace in the Tang Dynasty on the Tomb Sweeping Day. By contrast, the content of the composition, Qing Ming Ri En Ci Bai Guan Xin Huo Fu, is more plentiful than the other one, Qing Ming Ri Ci Bai Liao Xin Huo Shi on artistic imaginations and cultural meanings for bestowing the new fires. The customs of Gai-Huo and Ci-Xin-Huo enrich the institution of etiquette in the Tang Dynasty shown as the Fu, written by the Fu's writers, rather than poets. Moreover, it also extends and increases the artistic activities concerning the folk culture at the time and in the future; and influenced the creation in the area of culture and art. The contents of the Fu's writers for these customs not only have deep meanings on folk cultures, but also show the creative values for the Lu-Fu of the imperial examinations in the Tang Dynasty. The writings of the Fu in the Tang Dynasty regarding to the customs of the Cold Food Festival and the Tomb Sweeping Day expand and enrich both the meanings of creation of the Ci-Fu and the folk cultures of the ancient times. The features of esthetics in the age, shown by the contents of the Fu in the Tang Dynasty, absolutely create the meanings and values which have been a force to be reckoned with.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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