


Citation of Poems of Hanshan by Chan Buddhism Monks in Song Dynasty and Their Poetic Interpretation


黃敬家(Jing-Jia Huang)


寒山 ; 引詩 ; 吾心似秋月 ; 宋代禪林 ; 傳播與接受 ; Hanshan ; Citation of poems ; My heart like the mid-autumn moon ; Chan Buddhism in Song Dynasty ; Dissemination and acceptance




28期(2014 / 11 / 01)


79 - 104






According to the existing literature of Chan Buddhism monks in Song Dynasty, Chan Buddhism monks tended to quote the verses of Hanshan in class or in conversations between master and apprentice or mention Hanshan himself as an introductory remark of master-apprentice conversation or as the representative to convey self-enlightenment. This finding suggests that Chan Buddhism monks were familiar with, and internalized and identified themselves with the poems of Hanshan, and included them in the literary system of Chan as the context jointly understood in Chan. This study investigates the application of poems of Hanshan by Chan Buddhism Monks in Song Dynasty from the accepted view. The research focus is changed from author/works-centered perspective to reader-centered perspective. As the subject with the ability to interpret, Chan Buddhism monks applied poems of Hanshan based on their own experiences to further transform or extend the meanings of such poems. Therefore, this study focuses on uncovering the derived or newly created dialogue semantics of poems of Hanshan applied by Chan Buddhism Monks to their dialogues or Chan context to observe the interpretations of poems of Hanshan formed due to dissemination in Song Dynasty. Firstly, this study intends to understand the relationship between the meanings that Chan Buddhism monks intend to convey by citing poems and the principle of not to reveal in Chan. Secondly, this study intends to investigate the inner meaning of Chan Buddhism monks’ citation of poems of Hanshan from two perspectives, ontology and theory of Gong Fu. The former perspective is the implication of enlightenment, while the latter one is the eloquent words of Chan investigation. This study intends to understand the function and inner meaning of citation of poems of Hanshan in Chan in Song Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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