


From "Moderation" to the "Saying of Humility"-A Research on Zhu Xi's Process of Ordinance, "Principle of Love and Morality of Mind," in Exegesis of the Collections of Texts from the Four Books (Sishu zhangju jizhu)


陳逢源(Feng-Yuen Chen)


朱熹 ; 張栻 ; 中和 ; 仁說 ; 四書 ; Zhu Xi ; Zhang Shi ; Moderation ; Saying of Humility ; Four Books




29期(2015 / 05 / 01)


15 - 32






Zhu Xi learned with Li Tong and inherited the Daonan School of cultivating mind. This experience made Zhu get the meaning of life in Confucianism. However, it is a pity that he had learned just a little while and did not understand the teaching of still sitting with peaceful mind. In this situation, he could not help but ask Zhang Shi to instruct him the Huxiang School and tried to integrate all his studies. Zhu had insight into the content of "moderation" in the transition from Daonan and Huxiang Schools. Since his mind was full of various Principles, he grasped all meanings thoroughly. To him, "having an idea" and "having no idea" is only two different conditions, which should not be seen as the contrast between noumenon and use. This cognition made him continually explore the Huxiang study and stirred up the discussions on the "Saying of Humility." Humanity is nature, while love is emotion. The mind holds both nature and emotion. Love is not equal to humanity; nevertheless, humanity cannot be manifested if there is no love. Zhu Xi and Zhang Shi resolved the doubt of move as well as stop and inspected the efficacy in daily life. "The principle of love and the morality of mind" became their consensus as well as the content of Zhu's Exegesis of the Collections of Texts from the Four Books (Sishu zhangju jizhu). Zhu Xi and Zhang Shi's discussions explicate the Cheng Brothers' diversity of opinions. Here Zhang's introduction and enlightenment are very helpful. Under Zhu Xi and Zhang Shi's efforts, Daonan and Huxiang Schools were continued and kept in the interpretations of canons. In fact, their fair attitude is the key of great progress in the Confucianism in the South Song Dynasty and the reason why the ordinance of Exegesis of the Collections of Texts from the Four Books could be interpreted clearly.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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