


The Selective Edition and Reservation of "Wugui Ji" and Dou Yi Stories in Late Ming Dynasty Drama Anthology


侯淑娟(Shu-Chuan Hou)


竇儀 ; 晚明 ; 戲曲 ; 《五桂記》 ; 戲曲選集 ; Dou Yi (竇儀) ; Late Ming Dynasty ; "Opera ; Wugui Ji" (《五桂記》) ; Opera anthology




30期(2015 / 11 / 01)


205 - 238






"Wugui Ji" wrote the stories of Dou Yu Jun who raised and taught his son successfully, also was success in his life, including having a wonderful family, getting official promotion in Ming Dynasty and being famous all over the world. However, the drama of "Wugui Ji" was definitely disappeared, so the only way to reappear it is to outline the drama from the late Ming Dynasty opera anthology. The main role of legendary was "Sheng", who was the eldest son of Dou Yu Jun named Dou Yi. In this case, the plot conceived features of the author's opera was that Dou Yi was the protagonist. Dou Yi was real historical figures. There is a biography of Dou Yi in Song History. Masashi focused on recording his contribution to the Northern Song Dynasty etiquette, law and the imperial examination system established. But in the private society, the stories of Dou Yi were spread in religious poetry signs of "Venus test Dou Yi". Nevertheless, it was no-load in Masashi, but had closest relation with single repertoire of "Wugui Ji", Jin-Jing play Dou Yi, which was spread on the stage. Through author's opera studies, found that there were a total of thirteen kinds of anthologies recorded repertoires of "Wugui Ji". Removing the duplicates, there were nine repertoires retained currently. According to the preservation and selections of "Wugui Ji" in late Ming Dynasty drama anthology, the aim of the study is to discuss the retained repertoires, restructure the stories of Dou Yi and investigate Dou Yi stories of retained repertoires of "Wugui Ji" in late Ming Dynasty opera anthologies according to the discussion the other three parts of "Wugui Ji".in Dou Yi stories.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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