


On Zi-zhen Gong's "Respect of Sentiment" and the Sentimental Keynote of His Poetry


陳志峰(Chih-Feng Chen)


龔自珍 ; 尊情 ; 童心 ; Zi-zhen Gong ; respect of sentiment ; kidult spirit




30期(2015 / 11 / 01)


239 - 268






The Chinese society was plunged into turmoil with the decline of the Qing Dynasty after 1800. Not only its customs but also its academic culture and literary creation underwent radical transformation. In the flourishing age under the reign of the Qianlong Emperor, the politics and the society were both kept in a state of harmony. However, the Qing Dynasty began to decline in power since the reigns of the Jiaqing and Daoguang Emperors. Some theories of poetry and literary creations were therefore re-orientated towards crooning and lamenting the radical change of times. Zi-zhen Gong served as a scholar par excellence in this field. Scholars may compare the "respect of sentiment" to "sustenance", while the theory of kidult spirit can be traced back to Zhi Li who came from a different academic background and advocated different system of study from those of Zi-zhen Gong. The latter's academic achievement and contribution would be overlooked if we assume that he applied Li's theory of kidult spirit without any revision. This article proceeds in three parts. The first part features the relevance of Gong's poetry to the political situation and the vicissitudes of the Qing Dynasty. The second part elaborates on the development and content of "respect of sentiment". The third part seeks to establish the argument that the sentiment respected in Gong's poetry was based on the nature of kidult spirit. This article concludes with a synthetic analysis of the three themes, through which we can grasp how Gong expressed his sentiment with poetry.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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